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Oct 4
[[strikethrough]] Oct 5 [[/strikethrough]]
Here.  Afternoon to [[red underline]] Columbia University to talk with [[/red underline]] Jackson Lieutenant [[red underline ]] Martin [[/red underline]] of Picatinny Arsenal to consult me for [[red underline]] lining shells with Bakelite. [[/red underline]]
Oct 5. Dr [[red underline]] Rittman [[/red underline]] 
^[[of Bureau of Mines]] came here to discuss situation of liquid fuel improvements for airplane motors.  Spent most of afternoon here, drove him to new York.  Then took supper University Club.  Evening left for [[red underline]] Washington.[[/red underline]]
Oct 6.  Before [[black underline]] meeting [[/black underline]] [[strikethrough]] came [[/strikethrough]] Sargent Molter, an [[red underline]] american [[/red underline]] flyer of French Army, now on furlough, [[red underline]] appeared before us.  He has left side of face all black by powder marks and eyes inflamed.[[/red underline]]  After meeting came [[red underline]] Hurley, President shipping Board and Dr. McLellan [[/red underline]] head of Government [[red underline]] employment Bureau. [[/red underline]] Lieutenant [[red underline]] Van [[Auken?]] tells
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[[vertical entry in left margin]] Asked Townsend to give Electrochemical lectures at Columbia - wants to think it over. [[\marginal entry]]
us that contrary to assertions of Dr. [[red underline]] Day [[/red underline]] and others, deliveries of [[red underline]] optical glass by Bausch & Lomb are totally insufficient.  [[/red underline]] Feel much worried about situation.  At Cosmos Club found Professor [[red underline]] Bancroft on crutches. [[/red underline]]  Has had [[red underline]] automobile accident.[[/red underline]]
[[large red X in left margin]]
Oct 7 (Sunday) Captain [[/red underline]] Copart[[/red underline]], Lieutenant [[red underline]] Paternot [[/red underline]] and Lieutenant [[red underline]] de Courtivron (de Crequi Montfort Marquis de Courtivron) [[/red underline]] here.  Also Miss [[red underline]] Clairette Anthony. [[/red underline]]  Animated dinner party.  Too bad [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] is not here.  He is working hard at aviation school at [[strikethrough]] Ih [[/strikethrough]] Ithaca.   [[red underline]] Paternot [[/red underline]] tells his story [[red underline]] how he was made a prisoner by the Germans [[/red underline]] after his trench had been blown up at Maubeuge and [[red underline]] how he managed [[/red underline]] to escape to [[red underline]] Switzerland [[/red underline]] after one [[red underline]] years captivity. [[/red underline]] Is now here to ensure wireless connection