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and maintain good operation between [[red underline]] Sayville, New Brunswick, Arlington and other American Stations and Eiffel Tower [[/red underline]] in Paris.
de [[red underline]] Courtivron [[/red underline]] is a handsome looking chap, full black beard, very modest and pleasant manners.  Has had twice Gold Medal in Geography from French Academy of Sciences.  Before war spent time palentology, explorations and hunting.  Speaks english easily.  He tells me his wife is the [[red underline]] Princesse de Polignac, [[/red underline]] same Polignacs of [[red underline]] which one member fought under Robert E. Lee. [[/red underline]]  After lunch [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] drove Hudson car with [[red underline]] Capart, Miss Clairette and Paternot [[/red underline]] and I drove open car with [[red underline]] Celine and de Courtivron [[/red underline]]
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crossed river at Tarrytown, then Palisade road then finally at dark Dyckman street Ferry.  Wound up with supper at [[red underline]] Claremont then took everybody home.  A very pleasant day. [[/red underline]]
Oct 8. Went to [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red undeline]] to have interview with [[red underline]] Tucker [[/red underline]] and he ^[[tells me about his]] [[red underline]] chinaman Leo. [[/red underline]]  The latter does not impress me as qualified to run laboratory, want to see him.
[[vertical entry in left margin]] Told him about my interview with Townsend, he seems much pleased. [[\marginal entry]]
Evening [[red underline]] de Courtivron [[/red underline]] joined me for supper at [[red underline]] University Club. [[/red underline]] I suggested to council to introduce new rule allowing repetition of 30 days guest period for distinguished visitors. [[red underline]] was unanimously accepted.  de Courtivron is undoubtedly a very likeable [[/red underline]] chap.
Oct 9. Wrote to [[red underline] Captain Eberle of Naval Academy Annapolis and Gilbert Grosvenor of National Geographic [[/red underline]][[strikethrough]] society [[\strikethrough]]