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Society that they should invite de [[red underline]] Courtivron.[[/red underline]]
Home all day.
Oct 10 Met Mr [[red underline]] S.T. Leo,[[/red underline]] the chinaman of Tucker. The man does not make much of an impression.  I [[red underline]] do not think he is qualified to superintend the laboratory class. [[/red underline]] Told so to [[red underline]] Tucker [[/red underline]] who however thinks otherwise.  No decision needed.   
Listened to part of lecture of McKee [[in left margin]] Ralph McKee [[\in margin]] on manufacture of Benzolsulphoric acid and sulphonation processes.
[[notation in left margin]] O.[[/marginal notation]] [[strikethrough]] At Coppart [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Copart [[/red underline]] took lunch with me at University Club, seems depressed, does not wear his four medals.  [[red underline]] Seems as if he had dissipated night [[/red underline]] before.  Seems depressed mood.  Tells me harvest in France only 30% of normal and this makes matters bad for France.
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Oct 11
Went to University Club at 3 P.M to meet [[red underline]] Professor Durant [[/red underline]] who wants to discuss with me whether it is desirable at present to try to improve [[red underline]] our patent system [[/red underline]] and to find out who would be [[red underline]] desirable men for ^[[for Nat. Research Council]] for committee. [[/red underline]] I suggested [[red underline]] Ewing, Newton, Fred Fish, Pupin, Brian Arnold, Frank Sprague. [[/red underline]]
Evening went with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to Ritz Carlton for supper, then to Strand Theatre, then drove home.  Found letter from Marquis de [[red underline]] Courtivron and his wife [[/red underline]] that they had visited us during our absence and had later opportunity to show house and view to his wife.
Found also telegram from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] that he will not graduate end of this week as he has to begin over one of his exams in one of his branches.  His