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reports last week [[red underline]] were excellent in most branches, specially theory of flight where he got 96, and 95 for engines and others 84 and 87. [[/red underline]]
The [[red underline]] Marquis [[/red underline]] last Sunday gave [[red underline]] some happy feelings [[/red underline]] to both of us when he said that [[red underline]] aviators in France were very well treated and that the risk of their lives was considered less than the man in the trenches. [[/red underline]]
Furthermore said that very probably [[red underline]]
american aviators would be sent near Alsacian border where danger is less. [[/red underline]] He [[strikethrough]] p [[/strikethrough]] seems [[red underline]] well informed on these subjects. [[/red underline]]
He is here to [[red underline]] serve as instructor at our military schools [[/red underline]] and camps and teach art of warfare as [[red underline]] practiced [[/red underline]] in France. He started as a [[red underline]] private at beginning of war and won [[/red underline]] his advancement on his
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merits and [[red underline]] three years service in the trenches. [[/red underline]]
[[black underline] Oct 12. [[/black underline]] This is Columbus day so there is holiday. Stormy weather, reminds me of storm last year when I was on the Cygnet  
Evening went to University Club 
Caught in violent rain storm.
Oct 13. Home all day, bright weather. Miss Clairette here. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] wires will be here tomorrow.
Oct 14, 1917 (Sunday) Early in the morning [[red underline]] George arrived here in uniform. Wears cadet uniform since his [[/red underline]] last exam, and gets [[red underline]] $100 a month. He looks strong and healthy [[/red underline]] and cheerful. Has brought his notes along and before long he is explaining his courses in aviation, motors, bombs and bombing, wireless, and what not!  He is [[red underlined]] entirely full of that subject and seems entirely absorbed in his new [[/red underline]]