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work. He [[red underline]] takes passionate interest in all this. Have never seen him as enthusiastic in his studies before. This is a striking example [[/red underline]] how as soon as you gave [[red underline]]
to a young man [[strikethrough]] an int [[/strikethrough]] a subject in which he is interested, his studies will go along [[/red underline]]
with great zeal. I feel [[strikethrough]] as if [[/strikethrough]] that he [[red underline]] has learned more in these last ten weeks than he would have acquired in two years more at Cornell.  He is an entirely different man. [[/red underline]]
Evening we all drove together in closed car to station.  He has [[red underline]] only one days furlough [[/red underline]] and then we drove Nina to her school.
Oct 15. [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] writes me he [[red underline]] accepts. [[/red underline]] So I went to 
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[[red underline]] Columbia to tell the news to President Butler, and to Prof. Pegnam and D.D. Jackson. Butler seemed very happy and pleased and thanked me again for my [[/red underline]] intervention. I told to Butler that Townsend did not expect [[red underline]] money remuneration but that I felt that he should receive an honorary Sc.D. of Columbia as a reward. [[/red underline]]  I ^[[had]] said same [[red underline]] thing to Pegram [[/red underline]] whom I visited first but the latter said that this matter was a question [[red underline]] for trustees [[/red underline]] to carry out and should not be a matter to be decided [[red underline]] in advance [[/red underline]] altho' he saw no reason why it should not be done. The degree to be conferred for [[red underline]] distinguished services to [[/red underline]] Science.
Oct 16. This morning received a telegram from [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]]