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Then took train for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]]
Oct 20. [[red underline]] Edison [[/red underline]] was present at our meeting of [[black underline]] Naval Board [[/black underline]] then later came Admiral Mayo, Admiral Fletcher and Rear Admiral Earle.  Had some very outspoken conversation with [[red underline]] Fletcher [[/red underline]] on neglect of pushing [[red underline]] ammonium nitrate production [[/red underline]] and apparent lukewarmness and lack of diligence in furthering ammonia synthetic plant
Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Manning [[/red underline]] to give [[oral?]] report of our conference on [[red underline]] fuel for aviation, also to tell him about ammonium nitrate [[/red underline]] situation and to hear his suggestions how to compose committee to push matters.  Similar conversa-
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tion with [[red underline]] A.A. Noyes [[/red underline]].
Night left for home.
Oct 21. (Sunday) [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] is home cheerful healthy and in a well fitting cadet's uniform similar to officers' uniform.  Is now going to [[red underline]] Mineola thence to Europe, either Egypt, France or Italy, does not know which [[/red underline]] but is under orders to report at Ithaca [[strikethrough]] to m [[/strikethrough]] then to go to [[red underline]] Mineola [[/red underline]] and wait. 
I utilized the morning to make a number of photographs [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] ^[[of]] [[red underline]] him.  This may be the last chance.  Who would have thought of all this four year ago! or even two years ago? [[/red underline]]
Miss [[red underline]] Clairette [[/red underline]] is here too.  Evening came to visit us.  Miss [[red underline]] De Vecchi and Miss Barret [[/red underline]] with brother of latter who is in [[red underline]] French uniform [[/red underline]] and has been in motor transport service in