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[[red underline]] this will be much harder to look upon without a [[strikethough]] feeling [[strikethrough]] raising strong emotions. [[/red underline]] 
At 5 P.M met [[red underline]] Robsonₓ [[/red underline]] sent here from [[red underline]] Damard [[/red underline]] Company England to discuss possibility of using my [[red underline]] Bakelite patents and Trade Mark [[/red underline]] in England.
[[vertical annotation in left marginl]] His former American name was "Rosenberg" 
[[/vertical annotation]]
Explained my earnest desire to do so but practical impossibilities in the way which compel to postpone [[red underline]] until end of war. [[/red underline]] 
Oct 24. Happy to hear [[red underline]] George's [[/red underline]] voice at telephone who says he has just arrived with other boys of his squadron. Is [[red underline]] now at Garden City to [[red underline]] report at [[red underline]] Mineola [[/red underline]]  will try to obtain leave of absence while in Mineola. Told him he can have open car entirely at his disposal while he is
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at Mineola.
To day was to be a [[strike through]] holida [[/strike through]] national holiday [[red underline]] "Liberty Bond Day", [[/red underline]] and processions and [[strikethrough]] festiv [[/strikethrough]] orations etc. for issuing subscriptions of [[red underline]] 
2ͩ Liberty Loan. [[/red underline]] But violent rainstorm all day upsets all plans. 
Evening [[strikethrough]] had a [[/strikethrough]] Captain [[red underline]] Capart [[/red underline]] had invited us for dinner at Plaza with [[red underline]] Ninn [[/red underline]] and Miss Clairette [[red underline]] Anthony also George. George [[/red underline]] does not show up, and we have no news from him. Begin to suspect he might have sailed away quietly.
Oct 25. No news from [[red underline]] George. [[/red underline]] Both of us feel almost certain that he has quietly sailed away [[strikethough]] Celin and [[/strikethrough]] but [[red underline]] both manage to control our emotions. [[/red underline]] At noon decided to drive to [[red underline]] Mineola. [[/red underline]] Feel that there are nine chances to one that