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[[underlined in red]] Celine and myself had a little family meeting in our closed car, [[/underlined in red]] while Albert was gazing around outside. Wish we had thought of buying some food along for George. Celine will go early to New York to morrow to purchase blankets etc. and see George again. I [[strikethrough]] [[can?]] [[/strikethrough]] not go along as I leave for Dayton Ohio.
Eveng [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] and I went for dinner at Plaza then to Theatre. [[underlined in red]] I want to distract her mind. I feel she is laboring not to give away. [[/underlined in red]]
Oct 26. [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] drove off early this morning. and I left this afternoon for Dayton Ohio I [[underlined in red]] hope she may get there [[/underlined in red]] in time to see George [[underlined in red]] before he sails. Edward Hewitt [[/underlined in red]] went with
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me and talked motors till bed time.
Oct 27. Arrived [[underlined in red]] Dayton [[/underlined in red]] one hour late. Mr. [[underlined in red]] Hunt [[/underlined in red]] chief of Research Lab. of Delco at the station with a car to fetch us. We went first to [[underlined in red]] Dayton Research Lab, [[/underlined in red]] of which [[underlined in red]] Clement [[/underlined in red]] is chief. to see apparatus for registering explosion curve. [[underlined in red]] Young man [[/underlined in red]] in [[margin, underlined in red]] Midgeley [[/margin, underlined in red]] charge of this work - a Cornell man [[underlined in red]] makes excellent impression. [[/underlined in red]] Told them about [[underlined in red]] Cyclohexan [[/underlined in red]] mystification because they are trying to make [[underlined in red]] cyclohexan. [[/underlined in red]] Beating rain. - I notified Miss [[underlined in red]] Catherine Wright [[/underlined in red]] that [[underlined in red]] Hewitt [[/underlined in red]] was with me and she immediately [[underlined in red]] invited him. [[/underlined in red]] [[for?]] [[strikethrough]] lun [[/strikethrough]] the lunch. So did [[underlined in red]] Deeds [[/underlined in red]] for his [[underlined in red]] dinner. [[/underlined in red]] Heint ^ Hewitt drives thru mud first to [[underlined in red]] Dayton Wright [[/underlined in red]] Co. plant. [[underlined in red]] Sentries there. [[/underlined in red]] Party had left: then wild drive to [[underlined in red]] Aviation testing grounds [[/underlined in red]] where we found everybody assembled, waiting