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time [[red underline]] Hewitt [[\red underline]] and I looked around the shop studying further the liberty motor and parts of airplane under construction.  [[red underline]] Kettering [[\red underline]] takes off that fine looking [[red underline]] bakelite [[\red underline]] molding of distributor of [[red underline]] Liberty motor [[\red underline]] and explains its mechanism.  [[red underline]] Kettering [[\red underline]] tells us British and  [[red underline]] French [[\red underline]] have told him that nobody but [[strikethrough]] an expert [[\strikethrough]] one of their experts [[red underline]] should attempt to fly such a powerful machine. [[\red underline]] The 12 cyl. motor develops about [[red underline]] 400 h.p. [[\red underline]] and is expected to make [[red underline]] 135 miles an hour. [[\red underline]]  But one of their machinists, Rianhardt, feels confident he can handle it, and after tuning up some details at the machine, got the motor going, then tried it out for a few seconds on the lawn and then suddenly lifted
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[[red underline]] the plane up in the air and kept flying for about ten [[\red underline]] minutes, then descended gracefully. This I am told was the [[red underline]] first flight of the heavy sized Liberty Motor. [[\red underline]]
I am more than ever concerned that [[red underline]] these motors should have self starters. [[\red underline]] The larger the motor the more the necessity of a self starter is apparent.
They tell me the new practice of [[red underline]] putting the motor [[\red underline]]  [[strikethrough]] and propeller [[\strikethrough]] [[red underline]] in front [[\red underline]] is so as to avoid crushing the aviator in case of a rapid descent.  On this account [[red underline]] propeller also is placed in front. [[\red underline]]
I believe that it would be simpler to leave [[strikethrough]] motors in rear [[\strikethrough]] [[red underline]] propellers and motors in rear and use two smaller motors similar to Caproni [[\red underline]] device and place aviator [[red underline]] between two fuselages [[\red underline]] so that motors cannot crush him.