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Left about 8 P.M.   [[red underline]] Col. Deeds is with us aboard same train. [[\red underline]]  He shows us some excellent photographs of [[red underline]] the battlefield and  trenches [[\red underline]] etc. taken in [[red underline]] Flanders and in the Alp Region. [[\red underline]]  Says in Flanders alone [[red underline]] about 1000 photos [[\red underline]] are taken every day by aviators.  [[red underline]] All this is printed on Velox or paper of Velox type.  Here is another invention of mine besides Bakelite which is used [[\red underline]] in this war.
In same car was [[red underline]] Capt. Williams a physician [[\red underline]] of Chicago [[strikethrough]] who [[\strikethrough]] in uniform, who was [[red underline]] active [[\red underline]] in Belgium in [[red underline]] Belgian Relief Commission.  Deeds tells Hewitt [[\red underline]] and myself of his great difficulties at [[red underline]] Aircraft production Board and how difficult it is to teach Army and Navy [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] business methods [[\red underline]], commensurate to the occasion.
Oct 29. Arrived New York about 3P.M.  
Even [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] came to fetch me at Club.  Tells me she arrived in time to meet [[red underline]] George at his camp.  Brought him an excellent mattress and sleeping bag with water proofed cover and blankets which he liked very much, and brought him and four of his friends who were with him, chicken sandwiches and hot coffee [[\red underline]] which made them all very happy.  The [[red underline]] closed Sedan body [[\red underline]] of the car acted as a [[red underline]] snug little Club house for [[\red underline]] all these boys ready to depart and Celine acted as a [[red underline]] mother [[\red underline]] for them.  Some of them had given up all hope of getting their trunks which were left at Garden City Station and the whole camp was so [[red underline]] disorganized [[\red underline]] that they could neither get them