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[[red underline]] "Everybody now speaks about ammonium nitrate - they are just crazy about [[\red underline]] it - and want to order [[red underline]] absurd amounts". [[\red underline]] and he [[red underline]] seems rather reed about this. [[\red underline]] When [[red underline]] A.A. Notes [[\red underline]] suggested we should have recourse to [[red underline]] Cyanamide  [[\red underline]] process, he [[crossed out]] seems [[\crossed out]] [[red underline]] immediately [[\red underline]] said that [[red underline]] enough Ammonia would be withdrawn from [[\red underline]] agriculture without any [[red underline]] harm and was going to calculate this with Arlsberg.  I am receiving more and more the impression [[\red underline]] that [[red underline]] Parsons is very antagonistic to anything related to Cyanamide [[\red underline]] [[two exclamation marks in red in margin]] and has a violent bias.  Such [[red underline]] an attitude may [[\red underline]]


[[red underline]] make him a dangerous man.  I suspect him of being wildly desirous of getting a very fatly paid position in some private [[\red underline]] [[red exclamation mark in margin]] industry and ready to abandon his [[red underline]] work at the Bureau of Mines as soon as he has found such a position. [[\red underline]]  In fact he has [[red underline]] several times mentioned to me outspokenly that he is on the look out for a better position. [[\red underline]]
[[red underline]] I am pleased [[\red underline]] at least to hear that my earnest warnings as to the absolute necessity of preparing for [[red underline]] ammonium nitrate explosives has finally reached the ear and the comprehension of our Ordinance Bureau.  But I fear Parsons will [[?]] them in the belief that they can get all [[\red underline]] what they want from our