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Nov 3
Early in the morning met [[red underline]] Captain Free [[\red underline]] of [[red underline]] Frankfort Arsenal [[\red underline]] by appointment [[red underline]] who consulted  [[\red underline]] me [[red underline]] about waterproof coating for corps. [[\red underline]]  Referred him to [[red underline]] Dr. Alfred Macintyre. [[\red underline]]
Then to [[red underline]] meeting of Naval [[\red underline]] Board - (Carnegie Institute Administration Building.  Made report of [[red underline]] visit to Dayton [[\red underline]] - of [[red underline]] Ammonia [[\red underline]] nitrate situation - of [[red underline]] use of photography [[\red underline]] in war, and of steps I am taking in order to have [[red underline]] Durant [[\red underline]] start standardisation of fuel.  also told trouble of [[red underline]] ammonia synthetic plant in regard to delay of making cylinders. [[\red underline]]
[[red underline]] Sprague [[\red underline]] in one of his addresses on the gravity of the submarine situation says that [[red underline]] submarines [[\red underline]]

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are [[red underline]] sinking [[\red underline]] an average of [[red underline]] 1000 tones every hour ! [[\red underline]] [[two red exclamation marks in margin]] so we should not minimise the harm which is being done.
At lunch [[red underline]] Secretary Daniels [[\red underline]] joined us with [[red underline]] Rear Admiral Earl. [[\red underline]]  I told to [[red underline]] Earl [[\red underline]] the gravity of [[red underline]] ammonium nitrate situation [[\red underline]] and how his department is causing delay at Bethlehem Steelwork by holding up construction of steel cylinders for [[red underline]] Ammonia synthesis. [[\red underline]]  He says this is due to fact that they have to make [[red underline]] steel flasks for submarines. [[\red underline]]  But I urged that our matter was just as urgent - gave him [[red underline]] White's letter. [[\red underline]]  He promises me will try to arrange matters.
[[crossed out]] Afternoon spent [[\crossed out]]  Evening spent with [[red underline]] Whitney [[\red underline]] who tells me some further progress has been done in his committee