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Celine busy with [[red underline]] woman suffrage matters all day. [[/red underline]] Checking votes at voting place. [[red underline]] President Nicholas Murray Butler in a very friendly letter announces me that the Board of Trustees has appointed me Honorary Professor Chemical Engineering. [[/red underline]]  [[two red exclamation marks in left margin]]
[[red underline]] All securities, Bonds and Stocks alike have of late been to an extraordinary low level and the bottom seem not to be reached. [[/red underline]] 
[[two red exclamation marks in left margin]]  
Violent depreciation in all [[red underline]] these values [[/red underline]] while the price of every [[red underline]] commodity has gone up enormously. [[/red underline]]
Nov 7. The [[red underline]] contemptible Tammany crowd has succeeded [[/red underline]] in supplanting a good mayor [[red underline]] Mitchell [[/red underline]] by their own
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[[red underline]] creature Hylan. [[/red underline]]  Four years [[red underline]] again of base corrupt political administration.  As an offset, Woman suffrage [[/red underline]] passes in New York State.  I am glad for [[red underline]] Celine who has devoted herself so assiduously [[/red underline]] to this cause. I fear however that [[red underline]] woman suffrage altho' it is the [[/red underline]] natural right of women, will [[red underline]] change very little our deplorable political system. May it lead to restricted suffrage or another form of election for instance proportionate representation which will do away with the trickeries which lead to the rule of the [[/red underline]] majority which in most cases is only a [[red underline]] fictitious majority. [[/red underline]]
[[vertical notation in left margin]] [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] left this morning for Savannah to inspect [[red underline]] Cygnet [[/red underline]] and report by telegram. [[/marginal notation]]
Went to [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]] University heard Dr. [[red underline]] McKee's [[/red underline]] lecture on manufacture of synthetic [[red underline]] phenol [[/red underline]]. Spent also some time in laboratory. - That [[red underline]] lecture room and laboratories [[/red underline]] ought