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to be provided with [[red underline]] automatic fire sprinklers. If not some day everything will burn up as in Cornell. [[/red underline]] Intend to [[red underline]] push this before administration. [[/red underline]]
Went to Bank [[strikethrough]] la [[/strikethrough]] to [[red underline]] borrow $10000 at 4% for 2 months so as to be able [[/red underline]] to pay for newly purchased 2nd [[red underline]] Liberty Bonds. [[/red underline]] Gave $11000 1st [[red underline]] Liberty Bonds [[/red underline]] as collateral. Also left them $5000 Agricultural certificates to be exchanged for final certificates.
Then went to meet [[red underline]] Schleusner [[/red underline]] to obtain that contract insuring our supply of [[red underline]] formaldehyde for 1918. Foresee considerable difficulties in our chemical industries on recount of extraordinary demands [[/red underline]] 
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[[red underline]] arising from war condition. [[/red underline]] Should not be astonished if before a few months most enterprises are put under army control and sales [[strikethrough]] directed [[/strikethrough]] and deliveries dependent on consent of government.
Nov 8. [[strikethrough]] Went to Brooklyn [[/strikethrough]] Drove my car to Brooklyn. [[red underline]] Porter there.  He seems desirous of avoiding further responsibility of this plant [[/red underline]] specially in view of increasing [[red underline]] difficult war conditions. [[/red underline]] It is very possible that law may be extended so as to compel enemy aliens not to live within 100 or 50 miles from coast. In this case we shall lose [[red underline]] Paulus. [[/red underline]] I suggest making an arrangement with [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] Co who is more familiar with this line of manufacturing.
[[red underline]] Porter receives this suggestion [[/red underline]] quite favourably. Promised to