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the bad news of last week in Russia and Italy.
[[red underline]] Kerenski is marching upon Petrograd with an army of 200000 soldiers and is dispersing the maximalists [[/red underline]] who are upsetting everything.
Came back on board at about 3P.M.  Albert and helper very busy, till dark getting everything in shape for leaving tomorrow.
Found to my [[red underline]] great joy a telegram aboard that George has safely arrived in Europe. [[/red underline]]
Wrote letter to [[red underline]] George and to Celine [[/red underline]] then simple but hearty supper of canned shrimps and dry bread. Gave five dollars to Baker who is employed by Elmgren and who has faithfully helped
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on the [[red underline]] Cygnet. [[/red underline]]  Ditto five to Elmgren's nephew, who is a cheerful wide awake young chap helping around and four to the colored man who has lighted the anchor light.  All [[strikethrough]] br [[/strikekthrough]] excellent honest fine chaps.
[[red underline]] I feel so happy to have heard of George [[/red underline]] and better tuned up for [[red underline]] this impromptu vacation [[/red underline]] - I should almost call it [[red underline]] a stolen vacation. [[/red underline]]
Nov. 13. Did not sleep much last night but feel well rested. Started at 7.15 A.M. Bright calm weather.  Everything went well. Engine works better than ever, no trouble. At anchor in [[red underline]] Sapelo River. [[/red underline]] Quiet place. [[red underline]] Albert went duck shooting. [[/red underline]] Only [[marshes?]].
Bought some fresh [[red underline]] oysters [[/red underline]] from a negro who had just dug them. They