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land belonging to the Carnegie family. Some large substantial buildings on it. Water towers etc. About 1 P.M. slipped in at [[underline]] Fernandina. [[/underline]] Beautiful weather all day. Small town with wharves along front where fisherman - [[underline]] mostly Portuguese or Italians or Spanish [[/underline]] - deposit their fish and [[underline]] prawns [[/underline]] which they bring in from the sea in small sailboats with auxiliary power. Gasoline supplied on wharf by Standard Oil Co. and by Gulf refining Co.
Went to see the [[underline]] Lieutenant Commander of the Naval Reserve to obtain further [[/underline]] permit for navigation. He tells me no further
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permit is necessary.  The name is [[underline]] Scott N. Thompson. [[/underline]] Is evidently a volunteer, a civilian who seems to have considerable experience in internal combustion engines. Knew all about [[underline]] Naval Board and Bakelite and Velox and how Bakelite [[/underline]] is made.  Seems to be a man of [[underline]]self education,[[/underline]] who has read much about scientific and engineering subjects. Drove me around in his automobile to show the island on which the town is built. There is a large substantially built hotel, mission style, but it is unoccupied. In the wood saw evidence of ease with which artesean wells can be bored here. One big street - modest residences but both pretty.
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