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flicting and got on a shoal and tried in vain to get off, then Albert [[red underline]] dropped kedge anchor [[\red underline]] and this with [[red underline]] windlass [[\red underline]] together with engine put us again afloat, but a few minutes later were again in same predicament.   Same remedy helped us out.  Channel thru Halifax River well marked by stakes.  Large [[strikethrough]] quantity [[/striekthrough]] numbers of [[red underline]] ducks. [[\red underline]]  After anchoring in sight of [[red underline]] Ormond bridge, Albert caught enough [[\red underline]] fish for a [[red underline]] hearty supper. [[\red underline]]  This has been a [[red underline]] very enjoyable day. [[\red underline]]  Bright, sunny and very interesting.  [[red underline]] I can hardly imagine that I have been on the water only a week. [[\red underline]]

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Nov 21
Left at 6.40 A.M.  Bright weather but cool westerly winds [[red underline]] Ormonde.  Daytona, Port Orange [[\red underline]] and other places nearby show numerous villas or farms few if any occupied just now.  Most probably waiting for next month or spring.
Crooked channel but chart and Pilot book help us out.  Once in awhile get on shallow places and then have to retrace our course.   As in the past, we frequently see [[red underline]] big porpoises [[\red underline]] somersaulting in there inland lagoons.  [[red underline]] Birds [[\red underline]] getting more and more abundant, [[red underline]] herons, pelicans, ducks [[\red underline]] etc. etc.   This is a [[red underline]] natural bird breeding ground [[\red underline]] and shelter, no hunting.