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winding channels but really no trouble because it is easy to follow the beacons.
Dropped anchor at noon before [[red underline]] Sta. Lucie [[/red underline]] to mend the automatic cutout of our lighting system this took us til about 4 P.M. of arduous and delicate work in tracing the defect in the wiring then tied up over night at wharf of [[red underline]] Fort Pierce a quiet shelter [[/red underline]] where we took in gasoline and water. A few mosquitoes towards sunset, but none after. [[red underline]] Albert caught fish as fast as he could [[/red underline]] cast his hook in the water
Nov 24. Left at 6 A.M. Bright clear weather but strong northern breeze which
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makes me feel rather cool. Hot coffee as usually very welcome. Navigation easy and straight until at Sewall's Point where channel becomes crooked. By one of my mistakes took channel near Gilbert's Bar near [[red underline]] St. Lucie Inlet [[/red underline]] and had to [[red underline]] wait for rising [[/red underline]] tide to get off. (about two hours) [[red underline]] Steering cable had snapped [[/red underline]] so had to improvise repair.. Remainder of time assiduously [[red underline]] occupied in cooking fish caught last night. Excellent! [[/red underline]] Took also opportunity of [[red underline]] walking around Cygnet in my drawers so as to inspect hull [[/red underline]] and rudder and this gave [[red underline]] me a bath [[/red underline]] at the same time.