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[[underlined in red]] Palm Hotel [[/underlined in red]] in Miami River. Albert and myself needed some rest so all took a nap till afternoon
Dec 1 [[strikethrough]] Afterwards [[/strikethrough]] ^[[This afternoon]] went [[underlined in red]] up Miami River [[/underlined in red]] then into drainage [[underlined in red]] Canal of Everglades. [[/underlined in red]] 
Passed a little lock before entering in the straight canal, which [[transverses?]] a plain reaching to the horizon. No trees 
The soil is very black for about 2 feet deep, below is [[strikethrough]] soft [[/strikethrough]] gritty sand and coral rocks. Surface is dry but soft and spongy so that if one walks up on it there is a depression. A few huts and small farm buildings of intrepid poor pioneer farmers. - [[underlined in red]] Will this plain some day be transformed in a succession [[/underlined in red]]
[[end page]]
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[[additional page number in top right corner]]
[[black underline]] 184 a [[/black underline]]
[[/additional page number]]
[[underlined in red]] of prosperous farms, [[/underlined in red]] or is the whole project merely a dream of [[underlined in red]] land speculators who want to lure to this settlement the unwary? [[/underlined in red]] 
Tied boat up along shore and Albert cooked lunch on a brisk little fire. I should imagine that there are many mosquitoes here at night or in the rainy season. This is confirmed by the [[underlined in red]] lock tender [[/underlined in red]] who is from [[strikethrough]] Alla [[/strikethrough]] Alabama and tells me that mosquitoes are [[/underlined in red]] so thick some times you cannot breathe without inhaling them, and flies so agressive to horses and [[/underlined in red]] cattle that he has seen sometimes [[underlined in red]] a trail of dripping blood [[/underlined in red]] from horses that has been bitten to bitten to blood by flies. Our 

Transcription Notes:
word 'agressive' transcribed as written