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188  Torvey.
water. Went as far as [[underlined in red]] Towney Rock Light [[/underlined in red]] then entered by Cape Florida, stopping long enough to take a swim.
December 5. Put Evinrude on Dinghy and I went out along in it thru across the bay then thru Norvis Cut into the ocean. An amazing shoal near the cut, was literally covered with [[underlined in red]] pelicans. [[/underlined in red]] My gasoline gave out before I knew it and I had to row about 2 hours against the current and finally reached [[underlined in red]] Cygnet [[/underlined in red]] but I enjoyed very much the experience and I found that I [[underlined in red]] am still good for some stiff exercise [[/underlined in red]] Had lunch at about 3 P.M. and then had quiet afternoon on board and to bed early as usually. about 7 or 8 P..M
Dec 6. [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] and I went out early about 8 A.M for a long walk, first to station then along the town then
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over that three mile wooden bridge until we came into a tastefully [[strikethrough]] arranged [[/strikethrough]] settled district. Alton Beach. then to [[underlined in red]] Miami Beach. [[/underlined in red]] When we went in Sea Battery, afterwards lunch of Langostine "Crawfish" at the Restaurant Marvelously beautiful weather sunny and warm. yet dry so that we enjoyed the walking. Walked along shore to the new Casino along a cemented sidewalk flanked by Coconut palms. then took omnibus to drive back to [[underlined in red]] Miami [[/underlined in red]] This was another lovely day We [[underlined in red]] ambled for at least 3 or 4 hours continuously yet did not feel tired.  [[/underlined in red]]
Dec. 7 This is the [[underlined in red]] day when we leave our dear little Cygnet. [[/underlined in red]] and where we [[underlined in red]] have to stow everything away. [[/red underlined]] Lifted anchor easily and went up [[underlined in red]] Miami River [[/underlined in red]] and anchored just above [[underlined in red]] Pilkington's Yacht [[/underlined in red]]