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Yaphank, L.I.
Dec. 14. Last night violent snow storm, wind, [[red underline]] thunder and lightning. House shook all [[/red underline]] night. This morning calmer but everything [[red underline]] snowed in. [[/red underline]] Trolley cars not running. 
No possibility of using motor car. With Albert, Alexander and James and the aid of the gardner of Wheelers who came with his snowplow succeeded after half a day in opening a passage for motor car to Broadway but no possibility of going further. 
Most of day spent in dictating resume of my views on [[red underline]] U.S Patent situation for use in our Committee on Patent [[/red underline]] Reform of [[red underline]] National Research Council, [[/red underline]] and comments on content proposed by May for [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] and many
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other belated matters. In the last few weeks the men at [[red underline]] Brooklyn [[/red underline]] have found the explanation of the [[red underline]] discrepency [[/red underline]] of our results in factory cell for conversion [[red underline]] glyoxylic into tartaric [[/red underline]] and the apprently higher results obtained in small laboratory outfit. Yields now are 60% and not 50% as we had supposed until now. This [[red underline]] settles the last serious problem in our cycle of of synthesis of tartaric acid. [[/red underline]]
Miss [[red underline]] Evans and James remained here over night [[/red underline]] on account of difficulty of getting home. What a [[red underline]] difference [[/red underline]] with one week ago when in [[red underline]] Miami [[/red underline]] I was basking in the sun on the Miami River -- far a-way!!!
Dec 15. Arduous dictating of belated correspondence. Afternoon [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] called at