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ting [[red underline]] Chinese Coolies [[/red underline]] to Vancouver thence to Halifax thence to France where they were very much needed.
He says that [[red underline]] next six months will be most critical time as the Germans will try to break thru Western Lines [[/red underline]] of defense [[double red underline]] before [[/double red underline]] [[red underline]] American Forces are sufficiently advanced [[/red underline]] to be of real great help. Some think German will do the utmost to break thru on this account [[red underline]] we must be prepared for some anxious days during [[/red underline]] that period.
Expressed his [[red underline]] intense admiration for the French Army [[/red underline]] as he saw it on his visit over more than
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40 miles of fighting line. Says was prepared to find a well organized army in fine spirits but [[red underline]] never imagined it was as excellent as he saw it. [[/red underline]] 
Men well trained and in excellent spirit. But [[red underline]] France has reached the crest can do no better
We must supply the rest. Straight of Dover [[/red underline]] which hitherto have made it possible for German submarines to pass, will [[red underline]] henceforth be closed. [[/red underline]] In these new tactics they [[red underline]] rely less on nets than on patrol boats provided with new listening devices which are the result of the work carried out by [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our Naval Consulting Board.
[[two red exclamation points in left margin]]
Nets have not proved 
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