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satisfactory. He also announces that lately [[red underline]] special submarines [[/red underline]] have been constructed who in more than one instance [[red underline]] have proved effective as submarine-chasers [[/red underline]] and destroyers. The British are constructing now a [[red underline]] steam driven submarine [[/red underline]] for this purpose.
[[red underline]] Depth charges [[/red underline]] and patrol-boats - mostly [[red underline]] destroyers have proved the most serious [[/red underline]] of the available means of opposing submarines.
States also, contrary to lately accepted opinion that the small [[red underline]] wooden [[/red underline]] fast boats of [[red underline]] 110 feet, [[/red underline]] so called submarine chasers, which have been much criticized [[red underline]] have rendered important services [[/red underline]] 
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in present tactics. In some cases of [[red underline]] extreme rough weather [[/red underline]] they were able to continue as convois for transports or merchant ships [[red underline]] after bigger "destroyers" had all withdrawn. [[/red underline]] 
Says the Frenchmen have an [[red underline]] almost child-like faith [[/red underline]] in [[red underline]] possibilities [[/red underline]] of America and [[red underline]] American Inventors [[/red underline]] and the warmest feeling of friendship is manifested in their enthusiasm everywhere
After lunch, [[red underline]] Dr. Burill [[/red underline]] who is in charge of investigation of [[red underline]] gases [[/red underline]] etc gave a talk on his work and explained different kinds of [[red underline]] "gas" [[/red underline]] used. Most of the so called gas is not gas but a liquid which