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is put in shells which on exploding vaporize the liquid. The latest and worst is so called [[red underline]] "Mustard gas," [[/red underline]] which is [[red underline]] Dichlor-diethyl sulphide [[/red underline]] a liquid which boils at about 200°C.
The former simple [[red underline]] French masks, [[/red underline]] used until now [[red underline]] have become entirely insufficient [[/red underline]] for the purpose.
Anybody who tries one of these masks in peaceful comfortable surroundings realizes what a [[red underline]] hellish warfare [[/red underline]] those Huns have introduced
Evening supper at [[red underline]] Horta's [[/red underline]] apartment with [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Mr Horta, De Waele. [[/red underline]] Talked of [[red underline]] Belgium [[/red underline]] - the war etc etc till late
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Strange that [[red underline]] Horta, De Waele and myself [[/red underline]] all born and educated in Ghent should never have met there altho our age is about the same.
Dec 23. (Sunday) Stayed all day at Cosmos Club. The new [[red underline]] Prohibition [[/red underline]] law ^[[strikethrough]] for soldiers [[/strikethrough]] is obeyed entirely and nobody seems to object. ^[[(for army & navy)]]
Evening went for dinner at Rauscher's invited by ^[[marquis]] de [[red underline]] Courtivron. [[/red underline]]
Several other guests there but with the exception of [[red underline]] Bartlett the sculptor, [[/red underline]] and his wife all [[red underline]] were Frenchman. [[/red underline]] Arriving then the [[red underline]] Marquis de Polignac [[/red underline]] and his recently wedded [[red underline]] American wife, [[/red underline]] between whom I was placed. [[strikethrough]] de Poli [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Polignac [[/red underline]] is with the French