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Dec.26. This afternoon meeting with [[red underline]] Creevey, Rossi & Hamman at Creevey's [[/red underline]] office. Told him Rossi reports that description of property of Roessler-Hasslacher which is to be sold to [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] Co is incorrect on account of erroneous survey. [[red underline]] Creevey seems rather impatient and says it [[/red underline]] is impossible that Title Guarantee Trust Co's surveyor should have made a mistake. Then afterward after Rossi's positive statement, he seems to be more inclined to listen.
Afterwards met Capt [[red underline]] Raymond [[/red underline]] of French Army who has been sent here as an expert on [[red underline]] machine [[red underline]] [[double red underline]] guns. [[/double red underline]] [[red underline]] Says U.S will not be ready with big cannon before a year. [[/red underline]]
Dec. 27 Went to New York to [[red underline]] sell my securities [[/red underline]] so as to be able to draw up my
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balance sheet for tax returns. [[red underline]] Market very strong [[strikethrough]] or a [[/strikethrough]]. Wilson has proclaimed all US Railroads under Government control, [[/red underline]] hence price of R.R. stock has much advanced. Met Dr. Armstrong ^[[Physician]] at Goodbody's.
Evening took supper with [[red underline]] Celine, Miss Clairette and Nina at Henri's [[/red underline]] Restaurant, [[strikethrough]] and drove ho [[/strikethrough]] they went to theatre, I went to Century afterwards Celine and I drove home together.
Dec 28. Home all day. It is very cold
Dec 29. Still colder. News from [[red underline]] Russia seems worse every day. Bolsheviki working hand [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in hand with Germany. [[/red underline]] [[double red underline]] The coal shortage [[/ double red underline]] [[red underline]] in New York is making matters worse and worse. [[/red underline]]
Dec 30 (Sunday). Very cold weather [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] came here with [[red underline]] William Bennet, [[/red underline]] now Captain in the U.S. Reserves. There [[red underline]] seems [[/red underline]]