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for me before end of the year, as follows.
300 So Pacific
200 North Pacific
200 Anaconda Copper
200 Miami
100 United Cigar Stores
then went to [[red underline]] Creevey's [[/red underline]] office where I met [[red underline]] Hamman [[/red underline]] so as to purchase parcel of ground in [[red underline]] Perth Amboy from Roessler Hasslacher Co according to option [[/red underline]] with them. See my letter dated Dec 31. to R & H, stipulating necessity of correcting the deed so as to rectify 2 foot encroachment on purchased property, ditto their letter same day accepting our terms and signed by Hamman.
[[red underline]] Shortage of coal so acute that several of the large office buildings are run- [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] ning out of supplies. [[/red underline]] At 60 Wall street a 23 story building where Creevey has his office. Only [[black underline]] one [[/black underline]] [[red underline]] elevator is running and [[/red underline]] even this was discontinued at 11 A.M.
Went for lunch at [[red underline]] Century Club [[/red underline]] afterwards met there Robert Kemp of Bureau of Mines who came to consult me about his project of [[red underline]] using laminated Bakelite Microthin [[/red underline]] cylinders for making vacuum containers for [[red underline]] handling liquefied gases [[/red underline]] as for instance liquid oxygen. Showed him the tremendous difficulties of the problem but he seems enthusiastic and I gave him letter introduction to Skinner of Westinghouse
Home in time for dinner 
It is bitter cold. [[red underline]] George much missing here. Miss Anthony and Nina here. Shall we see George back here next year? [[/red underline]] So much