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has happened in so few months!- [[red underline]] Matters look every day more serious. [[/red underline]]
[[annotation in left margin]] [[black and red underline]] 1918 [[/black and red underline]] [[/annotation]]
[[black and red underline]] Jan 1. [[/black and red underline]] Another very cold day. Temperature below zero since several days. River frozen over.
Home all day. [[strikethrough]] Jan --- [[/strikethrough]]
^[[Jan 2. Busy here all day dictating.]]
[[strikethrough]] Jan 2[[/strikethrough]] Jan 3. Went to [[red underline]] Creevey early to propose arrangement whereby Directors should receive salary proportionate to stock they represent. He says my suggestion is all right [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical annotation in left margin]]
In view of [[strikethrough]] cas [[/strikethrough]] under capitalization of General Bakelite and extreme extra profit taxes being introduced. 
[[/vertical annotation]]
Submitted same idea to Hamman and to Schleussner. They too are eager. It is a wonder how eager people are to act favorably upon anything which is likely to [[red underline]] bring them in money. [[/red underline]]
Then went to see Peters and Williams. [[red underline]] They too are much in favor. [[/red underline]] Went also to [[strikethrough]] Goodbody to deliver [[/strikethrough]] Bank to pay my loan. Took lunch at Chemists
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Club. Then met [[red underline]] Raymond Bacon now Lieutenant-Colonel [[/red underline]] in Uniform also [[red underline]] Hammor now major, [[/red underline]] ready to leave for Europe.
Then drove to University Club thence to Women City Club, at Vanderbilt Hotel where [[red underline]] Celine and Clairette [[/red underline]] were awaiting me. Took them for dinner at V.D.Bilt Hotel Grill room. Then drove to Theatre. "The Gypsy trail" where met [[red underline]] Edward Hewitt and his daughter. It is bitterly cold, unusually so. [[/red underline]]
This morning received [[red underline]] several letters from George, [[/red underline]] who is flying now at Aviation school in [[red underline]] Foggia [[/red underline]] in Italy. Says [[red underline]] flying is no sport it is a serious business. [[/red underline]] 
[[strikethrough]] Drove [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] General train congestion all railroads crippled on account to lack of equipment [[/red underline]] insufficient to cope with enormously increased freight