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we have [[red underline]] coal enough here for [[/red underline]] almost all winter.
Jan 16. Announcement this evening from Washington that Fuel Director [[red underline]] Dr. Garfield  intends to shut down all factories for five days. [[/red underline]]
Jan 17. [[red underline]] Great consternation [[/red underline]] caused by shut down order of factories to begin tomorrow and to last [[red underline]] five days. [[/red underline]] excepting only manufacturers of perishable food and government office buildings. This order [[red underline]] seems crazy to me. Why not let factories which possess coal enough continue their work except for factories producing non essentials. [[/red underline]] The coal shortage is not due to lack of coal mines but to [[red underline]] lack of transportation, lack of labor [[/red underline]] and lack of transportation equipment. This shut-down order [[red underline]] simply kills the availability of labor and the product of labor for five days. [[/red underline]]
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A. H. [[red underline]] Taylor [[/red underline]] a student at Columbia came here, to be examined for possibility of giving lectures on Electro [[strikethrough]] cheruh [[/strikethrough]] chemistry. Made good appearance but is not sufficiently posted [[strikethrough]] beyond [[/strikethrough]] (Later on became professor)
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Suggested [[red underline]] Doremus [[/red underline]] to D.D. Jackson and also to Pegram. [[red underline]] Both [[/red underline]] agree to my suggestion 
Pegram willing to give $750 or [[red underline]] $25 for each [[/red underline]] lecture. 
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and all what this means. On the contrary we [[red underline]] need a speeding [[/red underline]] up of my factory which produces anything needed for transportation equipment.
Jan 18. Two letters from [[red underline]] George from Foggia [[/red underline]] He has not yet received his luggage and [[red underline]] spends his Christmas [[/red underline]] at Foggia: [[red underline]] his pay [[strikethrough]] leaves has not [[/strikethrough]] sheet has been lost between Washington and there [[/red underline]] and leaves him [[red underline]] rather short of funds. [[/red underline]] He spent his Christmas at Foggia, most of his [[strikethrough]] friends [[/strikethrough]] ^[[fellow flyers]] went to Naples or Rome.
Afternoon went with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] to NY. I to Columbia. Met [[red underline]] Alexander Smith [[/red underline]] who showed me his lab which has been entirely remodeled by Dr. [[red underline]] Freas [[/red underline]] and makes [[red underline]] excellent appearance of order and good [[/red underline]] organization.
Then spent two hours with Prof [[strikethrough]] Thro [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Trowbridge [[/red underline]] to whom I handed 6 samples of [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] to make index