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[[red underline]] Ruggles [[/red underline]] came here to show me pattern and designs of his machine for [[red underline]] training aviators [[/red underline]] in [[strikethrough]] orien [[/strikethrough]] sense of orientation
Jan 29. Early to New York at office of [[red underline]] Edwin Pringle for meeting of committee on patents of National Research Council. Ewing, Pupin and Pringle there 
Durand came late and left early. Sails to morrow for Paris. I am elected vice chairman to act in his absence [[/red underline]] 
Lunch at lawyers' Club with [[red underline]] Ewing, Pupin and Judge Holt. [[/red underline]] Afterwards met Hamman who hands me rough figures of profits of year. [[strikethrough]] Gross [[/strikethrough]] Gross about 450000 net [[red underline]] $277000. [[/red underline]] 
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Returned home early to study these returns.
Jan 30. Here all day. It looks as if the [[red underline]] taxes of our company will be about $100000 of which I shall pay more than half besides my private taxes [[/red underline]]
Jan 31. Monday papers gave us account of funeral of three of [[red underline]] Georges [[/red underline]] fellow fliers in Foggia, no statement how they [[red underline]] were killed. [[/red underline]] This explains why [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] cabled on Sunday that he was well as ever.
Packed [[red underline]] Georges [[/red underline]] hat and tobacco. Also a new camera I bought for him. The [[red underline]] latter package gave to Grignard [[/red underline]] whom I met at Vander Bilt hotel and who [[red underline]] leaves Saturday for [[/red underline]] France. Then drove