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100 lbs. compression shows regular curve
[[image of regular bell curve rising gradually to flat top then falling in mirror image]]
[[red underline]] Clements [[/red underline]] shows samples of airplane wing dupe made of [[red underline]] nitrocellulose [[/red underline]] which has been rendered less inflammable and shows better than [[red  underline]] acetylcellulose [[/red underline]] coating. Then [[red underline]] Hall [[/red underline]] drove us to [[red underline]] McCook [[/red underline]] Field, one of the [[red underline]] aviation experimental [[/red underline]] stations. Well guarded by soldiers.  Each of us first identified then provided with red card twice countersigned.  Immense hangar. [[red underline]] Field clearly covered [[/red underline]] with snow, weather has been hovering [[red underline]] around zero [[/red underline]] 
Fahrenheit since several days. Hangars well constructed and well
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
heated. [[red underline]] Every kind of machine and model [[/red underline]].  Some french, some [[strikethrough]] engl [/strikethrough]]
british, also [[red underline]] German captured [[/red underline]] fast air plane. [[red underline]] Mercedes [[/red underline]] engine.  Neat experimental and testing shops provided with all necessary appliances well suited very complete  
Every type of engine represented so as to test and study it, all under director of Major [[red underline]] Vincent [[/red underline]] who was chief constructor in designing [[red underline]] Liberty Motor. [[/red underline]] Told to Vincent that the [[red underline]] only fault I could see [[/red underline]] with [[strikethrough]] 21 [[/strikethrough]] 12 Cyl. Liberty Motor is [[red underline]] that it required several men to turn propeller [[/red underline]] for starting, and should have [[red underline]] self-starter. [[/red underline]] Says this is [[red underline]] difficult to do in view of accepted attitude [[/red underline]] that aviators object to extra