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[[red underline]] a poor boy in a foreign country, [[/red underline]]] should be the [[red underline]] only foreign [[/red underline]] born American allowed to participate in this momentous discussion where some of the representatives of the best [[strikethrough]] engin [[/strikethrough]] and most daring engineering talent of the United States was represented. The further the discussion advanced the more [[red underline]] I realize that Sperry's project is realizable[[/red underline]] and that the men of Dayton are exactly [[red underline]] the class of men to carry it out promptly [[/red underline]] The machine as I saw it will have merely [[red underline]]] 15 feet spread [[/red underline]] and will carry [[red underline]] 200 lbs. [[/red underline]] T.N.T. The little motor weighs [[strikethrough]] less than [[/strikethrough]] about 90 [[strikethrough]] hp. [[/strikethrough]] lbs and deliver 45 HP. It is a rough modest looking engine [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[yet]] [[red underline]] Kettering [[/red underline]] tells
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me that it will do the same work and weighs no more per horsepower than that carefully and expensively [[red underline]] constructed Gnome [[/red underline]] motor as [[red underline]] made in France. [[/red underline]] 
The whole outfit minus the explosive charge can be made in quantities at [[red underline]] about five hundred Dollars [[/red underline]] including everything If there is any place in the world where such a problem can be carried out into practice it is here in Dayton. - We all feel [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] ^[[some]] [[red underline]] awe for the possibilities [[/red underline]] of this situation.
Feb 4. Up early to write my notes then to see [[red underline]] Kettering. It is so cold that the tears run out of my eyes. [[/red underline]] Temperature for the last days always close to [[red underline]] zero Farenheit. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] 
Showed [[red underline]] Kettering [[/red underline]] model of articulated [[red underline]] propeller of Lieutenant Merrick also Ruggles [[/red underline]]