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and followed it with a letter so as to avoid that Pupin should unwittingly divulge important matters to that woman.
[[red underline]] Saunders, Thayer, Robins and myself [[/red underline]] all agree that this must stop and that Hewitt should be asked to [[red underline]] send in his resignation. [[/red underline]] We only differ on the way of putting it before him. I have made up my mind long ago that [[red underline]] Cooper Hewitt is weak-minded. [[/red underline]] 
At 4 P.M. meeting with [[red underline]] Elon Hooker, Albert Hooker, Rowland, Knowlton, [[/red underline]] his typewriter, his brother [[red underline]] Harry [[/red underline]]. He wants to [[red underline]] build chlorine & caustic plant for Army and Army seems to be disposed [[/red underline]] to build its own plant
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and operate it by their own men, using others cell than Townsends. In fact [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] says they object to him personally, he thinks it is because he is a [[red underline]] Roosevelt man [[/red underline]] etc.
I think it is simply because he has [[red underline]] nagged and [[red underline]] bored them to death [[/red underline]] since several weeks and [[strikethrough]] his very nam [[/strikethrough]] I know that the [[red underline]] very mention of his name bores them. Hooker has a [[/red underline]] particular way of [[red underline]] nagging and boring [[/red underline]] and try to make others do what they would willingly do if he did not bore and nag them but what they would dread to do if they have to work with him.
Took late supper at Century Club then went to Yonkers with 11:40 P.M. train after meeting [[red underline]] Penniman [[/red underline]] at Chemists Club. [[red underline]] Intensely cold. [[red underline]]