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[[red underline]] feel rather run down. Pressure on the head and on my jaw and generally feel tired [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] old [[/strikethrough]]
Feb 28. Albert left here early for [[red underline]] Miami [[/red underline]]
March 1. Early at General [[red underline]] Bakelite Co's [[/red underline]] office, meeting of Board of Directors. Every body present but Williams who came just after meeting had adjourned. Left for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] 1:08 P.M. train but unable to obtain parlor car seat. Train much filled. Train arrived on time. Slept at Cosmos Club.
March 2. Meeting [[red underline]] Naval Consulting [[/red underline]] Board at Carnegie Institute 
Commander Bose U.S.N. and a british [[red underline]] Naval officer [[/red underline]] there. The latter explained how [[red underline]] camouflage [[/red underline]] of our ships and war vessels was being practiced, used 
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small wooden models of several of our larger warships   
I was made [[red underline]] committee of one [[/red underline]] to find ways of stopping [[red underline]] patent-attorney sharks and other swindlers from using Naval Consulting Board correspondence to lend plausibility [[/red  underline]] to their tricks with ignorant people. At lunch Secretary [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] joined us. Then Saunders and myself went to meet [[red underline]] Col. Deeds and General Squier [[/red underline]] to hear what progress is going on about [[red underline]] Sperry's device. [[/red underline]] They assure us everything being finished as rapidly as possible.
During the meeting this morning it developed that our [[red underline]] present shipping troubles [[/red underline]] are not due so much [[red underline]] to lack of [[/red  underline]] ships for the present as to the [[red underline]] fact that France can ^[[only]] handle [[/red underline]]