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Beach. [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] wires she has left.
March 16. Went out with Dinghy and Evinrude to [[red underline]] Lake Worth Inlet.  Very narrow and sinuous, [[\red underline]] took swim. [[strikethrough]] in drawers swam Inle [[\strikethrough]] in ocean.  
When returning went to gather [[red underline]] oysters, [[\red underline]] but when tried to go back [[red underline]] Evinrude refused [[\red underline]] to work so had [[red underline]] to row five miles against [[\red underline]] wind and current. [[red underline]] Nothing to eat since this morning's [[\red underline]] light and early breakfast, but stuck to it and arrived [[red underline]] aboard Cygnet [[\red underline]] at about [[red underline]] 6:45P.M at dark [[\red underline]] with a [[red underline]] ravenous appetite. [[\red underline]]
March 17 (Sunday). Clear
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windy day. [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] due here at 2.40A M but after waiting in vain for her for breakfast till 9AM Albert sent to station brings information [[red underline]] train is nine hours late on account of a freight [[\red underline]] wreck on the line. Waited and waited. Finally after 2P.M. Celine came walking up after more than [[red underline]] 12 hours delay. [[\red underline]]
Stayed aboard all day as [[red underline]] she felt too tired [[\red underline]] to do anything but rest. Tells me [[red underline]] George has been ill three weeks with dyssentery in Italy but has news he is recovering rapidly.[[\red underline]]
March 18. Left early for a stroll thru town then to [[red underline]] Royal Poinciana Hotel [[\red underline]]