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Went out trawling in the Ocean way beyond Wireless stations near House of Refuge but caught nothing.
Afterwards went [[by?]] Canal to new [[red underline]] Casino of Miami [[/red underline]] Beach where Celine and I [[red underline]] took swim. [[/red underline]] Met Mr [[red underline]] Leon Bowen [[/red underline]] of D. [[red underline]] M. Ferry & Co [[/red underline]] of Detroit. Later on anchored before Club towards sunset. An [[red underline]] aviator [[/red underline]] an instructor of [[red underline]] Naval aviation, lieutenant Baumann [[/red underline]] had an accident about [[red underline]] 300 yards from our [[/red underline]] mooring place. Patrol boat around the wreck [[red underline]] Aviator [[/red underline]] died shortly afterwards, [[red underline]] fractured skull. All this brings the war quite close to us and makes us think of George. [[/red underline]]
March 25. Sent early for newspapers anxious to hear further news
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about the [[red underline]] German drive. [[/red underline]] News [[red underline]] confirms former. British retreating orderly and Germans having frightful casualties. [[/red underline]] British say retreat was planned months ago. The seventy mile range guns [[red underline]] 10" [[/red underline]] shells of the Germans have been located. [[red underline]] Considerable speculation [[/red underline]] as to their nature but Paris seems not specially disturbed about this new form of bombardment.
Remained at anchor all day
March 26. Last night was coolest night. Northerly wind 60 [[degree symbol]]F. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] arrived this morning train was on time. Went to [[red underline]]Cafe Florida swimming [[/red underline]] and for lunch while at anchor. Then navigated [[strikethrough]] outside [[/strikethrough]] in Ocean returning by Government cut. Strong Easterly breeze which made the Cygnet dance and roll but boat