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[[red underline]] mission [[/red underline]] here for supper 
Rainy weather. Long discussion about [[red underline]] Belgium, [[/red underline]] America, social problems reminiscences, etc. Some of the [[red underline]] men are well posted [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] very bright. All [[red underline]] speak English. [[/red underline]] A very interesting evening.
April 22. Spent most of day dictating advice, directions and letters of introduction for the work of [[red underline]] Belgian Commission [[/red underline]]
April 23 Ditto. Evening [[red underline]] Edward Hewitt [[/red underline]] came here for supper. He tells me that Mrs. [[red underline]] Brugière [[/red underline]] had relations with [[red underline]] von Bernsdorf and von Papen and at one time occupied a cottage near them [[/red underline]] 
April 24. This morning was [[red underline]] first meeting of New York Section of Societe de Chimie Industrielle of France of which I am president [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] about one hundred at dinner [[/red underline]] well attended meeting. Lecture [[red underline]] room so full that [[/red underline]] many were standing. Prof [[strikethrough]] Heulet [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Hulett [[/red underline]] Princeton and [[red underline]] Le Maistre [[/red underline]] spoke then Marcel [[red underline]] Knecht [[/red underline]] of Tardieu's staff gave talk about industrial situation in France, with moving pictures. A very successful evening. Drove home with Hemstreet and Morrison the President of his company
April 25. [[red underline]] Belgian Commission [[/red underline]] visited [[red underline]] Columbia University. [[/red underline]] Our engineering department looks more like a branch of the Navy or army.
Talented men being trained in electricity, engines, photography etc. Special restrictions for men for submarines
Lunch at Faculty Club. At 11 AM I gave a lecture to the class on [[red underline]] "Some Aspects [[/red underline]]