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to put [[red underline]] Sarton on his staff. [[/red underline]] Explained his unusual qualifications. Only hesitation of Woodward now is that he believes [[red underline]] Sarton [[/red underline]] restless and not in [[red underline]] mood to stick to his [[/red underline]] job. A very active and interesting meeting. [[red underline]] Sprague [[/red underline]] came with model of his new [[red underline]] fuse [[/red underline]] which he dropped several times and showed his action. [[red underline]] Webster [[/red underline]] explained his calculations on the balistic conditions of the German [[red underline]] Super-gun [[/red underline]] with which they have been bombarding Paris at an unprecedented range. 
He shows conclusively how it can be done and presents curves to that effect. We vote a credit of [[red underline]] $30000 [[/red underline]] for helping him in immediately installing a laboratory to further
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the study of ballistics. [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] present at our lunch. Took 4P.M train to New York. [[red underline]] Lieutenant DeMan [[/red underline]] on board of train 
Traveled with other members of our board and discussed various matters relating to our work. Remained over night at University Club 
[[red underline]] News from [[/red underline]] front altho' not reassuring is [[red underline]] not worse [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] But fall of Ypres seems [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] rather [[/strikethrough]] imminent. - Serious times!
April 28 (Sunday) Stayed at University Club all day [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Urged [[red underline]] Saunders [[/red underline]] to favor subsidy of [[red underline]] Webster. Pupin [[/red underline]] tells me Webster is the best man he knows to undertake work on [[red underline]] ballistics, [[/red underline]] and that he is eminently well qualified for this. Went to Yonkers with 10:45P.M train