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April 29. Found [[underlined in red]] 3 letters from George. [[/underlined in red]] Seems cheerful and entirely recovered. 
Strenuous morning - belated mail 
Evening Concert Mendelsohn Glee Club at University Club. Lieut. [[underlined in red]] DeMan, Capt.  Sands and Lieut. DeFree [[/underlined in red]] Belgian Army there. At supper as a surprise [[underlined in red]] 105 chasseurs alpins [[/underlined in red]] in full uniform and rifles [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] were introduced by house committee and put down for supper, to their great bewilderment. They had just arrived by the "Rochambeau" so as to help as [[underlined in red]] propaganda for New Liberty Loan. [[/underlined in red]] Most of them are peasant boys, who hardly know how to read or write and these sumptuous surroundings
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and all the hurrays [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] with which they were received in that imposing dining room of the Club was as great a surprise to them as they were to us. [[underlined in red]] DeMan [[/underlined in red]] located four or five [[underlined in red]] Flemings [[/underlined in red]] amongst them who spoke [[underlined in red]] better Flemish than French [[/underlined in red]] and who seemed glad to find anybody who could speak their language. Their greatest shock was over since they were conducted to the Armory and were told that these were their barracks. Some of them could not yet believe it was true. Imagined it was some kind of palace for their officers. They [[underlined in red]] sang French soldier songs [[/underlined in red]] till past midnight and were much applauded. My [[underlined in red]] Belgian friends [[/underlined in red]] seemed to enjoy everything.
April 30. I stayed at the Club last night. Morning went with Neave

Transcription Notes:
The Chasseurs Alpins are the elite mountain infantry of the French Army.