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about [[red underline]] extended detonators [[/red underline]] which make shell explode above ground instead of making hole in ground and wide crater. [[strikethrough]] Cool and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Chilly weather.]] Left to night for New York.
June 23 (Sunday) [[red underline]] Dr. Herty, [[/red underline]] his wife and daughter here for dinner
Later on came [[red underline]] Dr. Endo [[/red underlined]] and Mr. [[strikethrough]] Frye [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Erie of Tokio [[/red underline]]. Drove them around [[strikethrough]] park [[/strikethrough]] then left them at Van Cortlandt Park
June 24. At 12.M. meeting at Faculty Club of our Committee [[red underline]] on Scholarships and Research,[[/red underline]] Prof. Woodbridge presiding. Present [[red underline]] John Barrett Moore, Pupin, Rautenstrauch, and myself.[[/red underline]] 
Later on went to University Club for supper. Later took Pupin, Bridges and Mershon on Motor-ride to Snug  
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Rock and back in the dark
June 25. [[red underline]] Feel tired and broken and generally disgusted with everything. [[/red underline]] Afternoon went with [[red underline]] Celine Nina and Clairette [[/red underline]] to the Rivoli to see moving pictures of [[red underline]] Airplanes. - I feel generally unfit for work and without interest in anything. Fear a nervous collapse [[/red underline]]
June 26. Went out to Bronxville to visit Capart at the hospital but he was out.
June 27. [[red underline]] Same feeling of general depression and discouragement. [[/red underline]]
June 28. [[red underline]] Same condition [[/red underline]] [[line with arrow drawn to writing at bottom of page]]
June 29. Some letters from [[red underline]] George. He describes his symptoms after flying at 18000 feet [[/red underline]] altitude.
June 30, 1918. First mildly warm
[[strikethrough]] (Sunday) day since many weeks [[/strikethrough]] [[line with arrow drawn from earlier June 28 entry to this next line]]
Continuation of June 28. Drove to [[red underline]] Perth Amboy, [[/red underline]] over Weehawken. [[red underline]] On street at factory was stopped by a policeman on [[/red underline]]