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[[red underline]] at the thought that some day my little fortune might be inherited entirely by her only to back up her selfish imprudent useless life. [[/red underline]] I have not [[red underline]] seen a kind look from her for anybody. Ignorant and contemptuous [[/red underline]] as she is she does [[red underline]] never read a book except Vogue [[/red underline]] or such trashy publication and even then only to [[red underline]] look at the fashion [[/red underline]] plates. I do not mind if she [[red underline]] shows no kindness to me, but what I reproach her most [[/red underline]] is the unkind way and the lack of consideration she has for [[red underline]] her splendid mother [[/red underline]] of whom she possesses none of her high qualities which make [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] beloved by all who know her. When I think it all over I feel discouraged.
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July 11. [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] has left for the Adirondacks and [[red underline]] everybody feels relieved. [[/red underline]] Had a long talk about her with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] who notwithstanding the fact that she always in her kind way tries to exonerate [[red underline]] Nina, agrees with me that it is our duty not to encourage her [[/red underline]] arrogance or selfishness by furnishing her more money than is strictly necessary.
Afternoon came here a certain Dr. [[red underline]] Emil de Stuber. [[/red underline]] who claims he is a Swiss but speaks English with a heavy German accent and with his duelling scar on his face looks more like a typical Prussian, came to offer me samples of a process for making "synthetic" [[red underline]] Gutta Percha. [[/red underline]] Samples do not look like Gutta Percha, more like poorly appearing polymerized Tung oil or similar mixtures.