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summer hotel called Riverside Inn with the usual tawdry summer boarders. They gave me a room with bath and charged me $5.00 for rather primitive accommodation.
July 21 1918 (Sunday). Another hot day. Left about 11 A.M over [[red underline]] Port Jefferson. [[/red underline]] Later took lunch at Shoreham Inn, then proceeded to [[red underline]] Greenport [[/red underline]] along hot sandy roads. Ferry To Shelter Island a big structure same eternal [[red underline]] big tawdry boxlike summer hotel. [[/red underline]]  
[[in margin]] Prospect House [[/in margin]] 
Charged me $7.00 a day American plan, for a "well situated" room, which [[red underline]] did not amount [[/red underline]] to much. There [[strikethrough]] seem [[/strikethrough]] is a good bathing beach nearby. Seems excellent place for yachting. Very
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warm here too. There was a very good concert, string and piano excellent performers. Met a certain Mr. Shepherd a scotchman who had lived in Ceylon and in Java.
July 22. [[red underline]] Newspapers brought good  news. Chateau Thierry retaken, Germans driven back over the Marne, still retreating. [[/red underline]]
Very hot weather. [[red underline]] Left Shelter Island [[/red underline]] about 3 P.M for [[red underline]] Sag Harbor, [[/red underline]] then along excellent roads over South [[red underline]] Hampton [[/red underline]] and other stylish and well kept summer-residence resorts inhabited by wealthy New York.
[[red underline]] Landscape monotonous. [[/red underline]]
Very hot - as hot as any place when there is no wind.
Towards evening, stopped at [[red underline]] Clifton Hotel [[/red underline]] near