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their life and all what is dear to them except honor, Celine should not have been able to convince her that she should [[red underline]] do something useful, or some kind of sacrifice for the great holy cause for which our country is fighting [[/red underline]] now.  
[[red exclamation mark in margin]]
Instead she keeps up [[red underline]] clandestine meetings with an enemy alien [[/red underline]] who I suspect to be ready for any dirty job. I am profoundly disgusted and shudder at the thought that [[red underline]] if dear George is killed there is every [[/red underline]] possibility for that impudent selfish daughter of [[red underline]] inheriting my whole fortune and using it for everything which is wrong and for everything against [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] which her dear mother and I have been fighting. Money in proper hands can do much good; in wrong hands it becomes a power for evil. I shall try to do what I can to prevent this. [[/red underline]]
July 25. I am much upset about the news concerning [[red underline]] Nina. [[/red underline]] I have suspected right along that the [[red underline]] pretexts [[/red underline]] of the visits of Nina to New York [[red underline]] were not the right ones. [[/red underline]] - Contemptible. And to think that she has such a [[red underline]] big, splendid, [[/red underline]] noble, [[red underline]] generous mother whose [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] has not [[/strikethrough]] whole lifes thoughts and actions are all that is good and elevated and who has done and is doing everything to help [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] in the right path, but [[red underline]] for whom she never shows any good [[/red underline]] feelings nor consideration.