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the General [[red underline]] Bakelite [[\red underline]] Co to enter the [[red underline]] manufacture [[\red underline]] of [[red underline]] Bakelite Buttons [[\red underline]] for the Army.  Told them to write me down the arguments so that I can present them to directors.  That in principle I am in favour of them.

July 27. Busy here all morning.  
[[red underline]] The servants all want a vacation so does Albert.  Altho' I feel very comfortable [[\red underline]] here in the house I left [[red underline]] with my car [[\red underline]] and value [[red underline]] not knowing exactly where to go. [[\red underline]]  Went to University Club where took supper.  Met [[red underline]] Charles Stewart Davison [[\red underline]] there, one of those [[red underline]] smug selfish cynical bachelors [[\red underline]] who in every phase of the war sees a [[red underline]] political opportu- [[\red underline]]

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nity. [[red underline]] A dyed in the wool partisan. [[\red underline]] If he were in Germany he would be a [[red underline]] militant Junker. [[\red underline]] Many like him are pained to note that a man [[red underline]] like Wilson [[\red underline]] should be highly thought of by anybody. [[red underline]] They have no sons nor brothers, [[\red underline]] nor anything to risk in this war and only too willing to sacrifice everybody but themselves.
Drove back home [[red underline]] and found [[\red underline]] this the [[red underline]] most comfortable place. [[\red underline]]
July 28 1918 (Sunday) A very hot day. Am all alone. Servants gone. Drove to New York and took [[red underline]] Clairette [[\red underline]] for a drive over Long Island and learned many more things about [[red underline]] that Count [[\red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and Nina's behaviour [[\strikethrough]]. Drove her back to her house and I went back to Yonkers.
July 29. Here all day. Hot and sultry.
[[red underline]] Retreat of Germans continues [[\red underline]]