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July 30. Rain & thunder and lightning.  Very dark. [[red underline]] Electric light and telephone [[\red underline]] put out of service during afternoon on account of lightning stroke nearby.
Went to bed [[red underline]] reading near candle light propped [[\red underline]] on a hat box. [[red underline]] Reminds me of the comforts of a summer hotel. [[\red underline]]
July 31. [[red underline]] Good news from West Front continues. [[\red underline]]
Aug 1 (1918) [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] arrived here early from Adirondacks. Told me further details about [[red underline]] Nina's happenings. [[\red underline]] Says it is all over now and [[red underline]] she seems humble and to have lost her impudence. Celine [[\red underline]] and I drove to New York together. I went to meeting of Directors of Gen. Bakelite Co.

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Hamman and McNitt not there. [[red underline]] Hamman is further testifying on behalf of R & H now [[\red underline]] under investigation.  [[red underline]] Creevey [[\red underline]] [[strikethrough]] tells me [[\strikethrough]] [[red underline]] has received request from [[\red underline]] Government to give information about [[red underline]] history of General Bakelite Co. [[\red underline]]
[[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] and myself went to Bank to get some Liberty Bonds $10000 3 1/2 additionally purchased and $10000 converted from 4% to 4 1/4% also stock certificate of [[strikethrough]] 200 shares Westinghouse [[\strikethrough]] formerly registered in name of [[red underline]] Nina [[\red underline]] transferred to the name of [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]].  Came back to Yonkers to dictate [[red underline]] short history [[\red underline]] of [[red underline]] General [[\red underline]] Bakelite Co. Miss Evans here till 8:30P.M.

Aug 2. Cleared my correspondence.

Aug 3. Miss Evans left at 11AM.  
This afternoon had visit of [[red underline]] Schrimpe [[\red underline]] who had sent me [[red underline]] solvent, [[\red underline]] see his letters.  Told