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him that the [[red underline]] solvent [[\red underline]] he submitted was well known by me and that we have experimented with it several years ago.  That we had tried again and find that it does not dissolve C. that correctly to his statement it can be introduced in A and retained in it after polymerisation but in that case takes away some of the hardness and chemical resistivity of the so produced C.  Asked him whether he has obtained any better results or whether our results agree with his.  He says yes.  Told him that if he has anything else to suggest we shall be glad to hear it.  [[red underline]] I believe the man is not satisfied with his present employers, the Celluloid Co. in Newark. [[\red underline]]

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[[red underline]] Nina [[\red underline]] has written me a letter [[red underline]] acknowledging her wrongs and apologizing [[\red underline]] etc. she thus [[red underline]] gives me some hope about [[\red underline]] her.  Have written her [[strikethrough]] another [[\strikethrough]] that we welcome any good resolutions but [[red underline]] she must show by actions and her behaviour that she means [[\red underline]] it; words and promises alone do not count. See my letter and hers.
[[strikethrough]] Aug 4. [[\strikethrough]]
[[red underline]] Further good news from Western front. [[\red underline]]  American soldiers are earning the admiration of France and England.
Aug 4. (1918) (Sunday) [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] and myself alone here with May all day.  
Talked over in detail the situation about [[red underline]] Nina. [[\red underline]]  Celine is decided to help me [[red underline]] keeping her very strict [[\red underline]] as to [[red underline]] money [[\red underline]] and latitude.  We must avoid any pretext for her of going to New York. Cool rainy day.
Aug 5. A sultry damp day.