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the text of which [[red underline]] "Everything fine" [[\red underline]] keeps us guessing.  Has something occurred and is his intention to reassure us?  Or has he obtained a [[strikethrough]] serviceman [[\strikethrough]] job which permits him to visit us?
Very hot sultry weather.
Drove to New York Central where found other members of [[red underline]] Naval Consulting Board [[\red underline]] for a visit and meeting at [[red underline]] Detroit. [[\red underline]]  Hot and stuffy all night.
[[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] went with me to N.Y.
[[red underline]] Cornelia [[\red underline]] was at home and drove with us.

Aug 9.
Detroit just as hot.  We are lodged at [[red underline]] Detroit Athletic Club. [[\red underline]]  Very comfortable.  Looks like a first class modern hotel.
[[red underline]] Howard E. Coffin [[\red underline]] who is to be our guide

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is about [[red underline]] two hours late. [[\red underline]]  Members impatient while waiting.  Several say this [[red underline]] unreliability explains much of trouble of Coffin at Aircraft Board. [[\red underline]]  Then with motor cars to [[red underline]] Ford's [[\red underline]] shipbuilding plant.  [[red underline]] Ford [[\red underline]] there to receive us in the most informal way at the gate of his plant.  He [[red underline]] and his son [[\red underline]] and engineers and managers.  Shakes hands slaps on the shoulder of his visitors [[red underline]] full of animation a good natured kind look [[\red underline]] in his greyish blue eyes.  He walks about everywhere hatless regardless the sun.  A plain gray suit.  Seems over six feet and slender and very active.  A kind twinkle in his eyes.  [[strikethrough]] Bronzed tanned skin. [[\strikethrough]]
Free, tanned by exposure to sun.  His hair almost white and somewhat curly.