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Makes the impression of kindness combined with great activity and sincerity.  His ship-building plant marvellous.  The [[red underline]] "Eagles" are 200 foot boats [[/red underline]] and not by any means the freaks or marine nightmares I was led to believe.  Several hulls under construction, one has been launched and is being equipped, the others soon to follow.  [[red underline]] Hunt [[/red underline]] criticises the bow as being [[red underline]] too straight. [[/red underline]]  [[red underline]] Robins [[/red underline]] criticises speed of [[red underline]] 18 1/2 knots as too slow [[/red underline]] for submarine chasers.  Rear Admiral [[red underline]] Smith [[/red underline]] says it [[red underline]] is enough [[/red underline]] because there are [[red underline]] no subs that can keep up [[/red underline]] a greater continuous speed.  But Robins remarks that

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our listening devices [[red underline]] compel to stop everytime [[/red underline]] and this means a great loss of speed.
[[red underline]] Ford [[/red underline]] has built a special canal [[red underline]] connecting the plant with [[/red underline]] Detroit River thence with the Lakes then the Ocean.  He is erecting a big [[red underline]] steel melting plant [[/red underline]] for this and his other works.
[[red underline]] Ford [[/red underline]] is a giant among optimists who is not baffled by a big problem of production.  The fact that he was broad enough to shift [[red underline]] his attitude from an [[strikethrough]] ju [[/strikethrough]] advocate of peace to one of our most aggressive helpers for winning this war should not be counted [[/red underline]] [[underline]] against [[/underline]] him [[red underline]] as Roosevelt does [[/red underline]] but should be reckoned to his credit. He knows now what he [[red underline]] did not know before, [[/red underline]] what the Hun is and that our only way for peace is to war against