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facturers of motor cars in Detroit and their glib-tongued salesmen who now appears as a giant above them all.
In the present crisis he is one of [[red underline]] the largest factors [[\red underline]] in our production problems.  Not only by what he manufactures himself but by the daring scale in which he does it and by the inspiring example he sets to others entrusted with similar tasks.
Builds submarine chasers for our navy, agricultural tractors for our food problems, motor cars for the modest man, the farmer, for trucks and for ambulances, and now has set the pace for the production of [[red underline]] Liberty [[\red underline]]

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[[red underline]] Engines [[\red underline]] for our air plane program, and is busy getting ready for the [[red underline]] Baby-tanks [[\red underline]] for aggressive warfare.
Mr. Ford I take my hat off for you.   Not enough men in this country or among our Allies know what your spirit and your enterprises are doing to win this war.
Afterwards an excellent lunch was served to us at the other (third) plant of Ford where Motor cars are made and where now additions are build for the mass manufacture of Liberty Engines.
After lunch some moving pictures showing demonstrations of [[red underline]] new Baby-tanks for land warfare. [[\red underline]]  Wonderful!  Then a long hot visit thru plant and all the details of construction