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near Keene. Beautiful weather  
arrived at dark at a small hotel Owl's Head Inn at Keene.
Aug 21. Everything rather primitive at this hotel and a decided difference with Lake Placid Club. 
Am told that last [[strikethrough]] year [[/strikethrough]] winter altho' being the worst for years there were but two days of interrupted communication with Ausable Forks.
Left about 11 AM for [[red underline]] Keene Valley. Road [[/red underline] is fairly good. Lovely scenery. [[strikethrough]] Later on [[/strikethrough]] Went as far as [[red underline]] Ausable Club, [[/red underline]] steep short incline. Pretty golf-links and magnificent landscape. The [[red underline]] Club house [[/red underline]] is very inviting but decided to rough it for a day so took the steep mountain road leading to Underwood. Narrow winding road very steep and dangerous at some places, and kept
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in poor condition. Going to Underwoood is easier than coming back because the right hand drive is farthest away from the ravine below. Saw a Pierce-Arrow narrowly prevented from rolling into the valley. In trying to pass another car the driver had gone too near the edge of the road and the loose gravel had caved in.
This is an excellent road for camping. There is a little brook winding its way thru the valley. Good cool fresh water and now and then springs. [[red underline]] Chapel Lake [[/red underline]] is only about 2 miles up. [[strikethrough]] Steep [[/strikethrough]] Walled in by almost perpendicular rocks. There is an excellent camping enplacement on a little plateau just facing the Lake along the road. Some [[red underline]] other good camping places further [[/red underline]] down. Later on streets  main road and shortly after passing Underwood, entered another