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bably because yesterday by request of Government [[red underline]] Oil administrator, automobilists [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] abstained from motoring so as to save gasoline. [[/red underline]
About 20 miles beyond Albany was stopped for 15 minutes changing a flat tire. Then drove on in the dark. Much bother by search lights of the [[red underline]] many automobiles [[/red underline] on the main road
Finally about 10 P.M. arrived at the Beekman Arms hotel at [[red underline]] Rhinebeck. [[/red underline]] This is a hotel which has been in existence since [[red underline]] 1700, [[/red underline] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] which of late has been cleaned and provided with modern sleeping rooms. Had an excellent room with bath and a very comfortable night after twelve hours continuous driving.
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Sept 3. Do not feel tired at all. 
After a [[strikethrough]] lees [[/strikethrough]] leisurely breakfast we started homewards slowly.  Went by a side road to [[red underline]] Fishkill Landing [[/red underline] thence to the inclined railway of [[red underline]] Mount Beacon.
[[/red underline] This place is [[red underline]] shabbily kept [[/red underline] but gives a [[red underline]] splendid view over the landscape. [[/red underline] Then following the road to Cold Spring we entered into some side roads amidst beautiful scenery and large estates. Ate lunch along the road near a spring at at about 2 P.M. thence went for tea at "Tumble Inn," near Harmon. [[red underline]] Notwithstanding the fact that for so many days we have been living amongst beautiful scenery we are again inpressed by the Hudson landscape. [[/red underline] 
Arrived home about 6 P.M. for supper. Some letters from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline] and a cablegram